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If you have a wood-burning stove or fireplace (without brick) and want


  • To be self-sufficient or

  • To have a sustainable heat source or

  • To live off the grid or

  • To save money on your heating bills,


Then you’ll want to discover what Europeans love about this home-heating system that warms EVERY room in your house below…


Imagine relaxing (or working) in your recliner on a cold day. As you sip your coffee, you glance at the cackling fire in the fireplace. Mesmerized by the amber flames, the fire’s toasty warmth comforts you. 


No chill in the air here. In fact, your recliner could be in any room, and you still would feel secure in the safety of your home on such a dreary day.


To find out how the Fireplace Heat Distribution (HD) System works its magic, go to the How It Works page. 

Functional, Independent source of heat - your peace of mind!

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